Friday, May 15, 2020

Human Sex Trafficking Throughout The World - 2642 Words

Human Sex Trafficking Reflects the Continuing Inequalities and Conflicts in our Modern World The image above helps illustrate this issue as it portrays the essence of how a human being is used and abused as a commodity as a result of the sex trafficking industry in the world. The bar code symbolizes various aspects of the capitalist world we live in. It represents a product, a good to be sold, traded, used and consumed. The bar code on the arm of a human being is degrading and shocking, but accurately reveals how a person’s self worth, dignity and rights are abused by the sex trafficking industry. The image reveals what happens when a trafficker uses a human body as its tool, sex toy or machine to make a profit. The United Nations defines human trafficking as â€Å"the acquisition of people by improper means such as force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them.† It is a criminal offense that involves the recruiting, transporting, and harbouring of pe rsons. Threats, use of force, abduction and deception are use for sexual exploitation and prostitution of others, especially women and children of both genders. (United Nations Office, 2014) The focus of this paper is to analyze this social issue by viewing it using theories derived from Karl Marx and his idea of class struggle and capitalism. I will also interpret theories from Immanuel Wallerstein and his idea of a world system and Manuel Castells with respect to globalization. Human trafficking andShow MoreRelatedChild Sex Trafficking And Human Trafficking1096 Words   |  5 PagesChild Sex Trafficking Have you ever walked into Wal-Mart and taken the time to look at the numerous pictures of missing youth that is plastered on the wall? When looking at how long they have been missing, it ranges anywhere from months to years. Looking at their age, both boys and girls, it’s hard not to wonder if they have been kidnapped and are being trafficked. 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