Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Philosophy German Egyptologist Hellmut Brunner...

Africana Philosophy German Egyptologist Hellmut Brunner translates the â€Å"Inscription of Antef,† which defines a philosopher as: â€Å"[He is the one] whose heart is informed about these things which would be otherwise ignored, the one who is clear-sighted when he is deep into a problem, the one who is moderate in his actions, who penetrates ancient writings, whose advice is [sought] to unravel complications, who is really wise, who instructed his own heart, who stays awake at night as he looks for the right paths, who surpasses what he accomplished yesterday, who is wiser than a sage, who brought himself to wisdom, who asks for advice and sees to it that he is asked advice. (Inscription of Antef, 12th Dynasty, 1991–1782 bc)† This displays that a philosopher is a multi-faceted human being, a jack-of-all trades. A philosopher is one who is able to give advice on topics of interest, and when he or she does not know, they are not afraid of searching through text s from civilizations older than themselves. They do this as a means to solve the various problems that they are given. Africana philosophy is a tool such that one is able to tap into past texts in order to provide support for those around them. In this essay I will further discuss Africana philosophy as well as its characteristics and how it differs from Eurocentric philosophy. Theophile Obenga describes the Ancient Egyptian or Africana philosophy as, â€Å"the synthesis of all learning and also to the pursuit of wisdom and moral

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Theme of Madness in King Lear - 1243 Words

According to the Paperback Canadian Oxford Dictionary, to be mad is to be insane and to have a disordered mind. Throughout King Lear, there are several different characters who one would question if they are in an orderly state of mind. The Earl of Kent, Edgar, the Fool, and King Lear all portray varying degrees of madness. Some have alternative motives behind their madness while others are simply losing touch with reality around them. The Earl of Kent is a close advisor to King Lear. Lear decides to split up his kingdom between his two daughters, Regan and Goneril, and to banish his youngest daughter, Cordelia, from the kingdom. Kent strongly advises Lear to keep reign over his own kingdom and insists that Cordelia should not be†¦show more content†¦Throughout the play, the Fool is portrayed as someone who is irrational. When Lear is showing signs of madness, the Fool is there by his side jesting along and yet when Lear regains he rational thought, the Fool is no longer around. The Fool is very comfortable in his seemingly unbalanced frame of mind. He is very smart and sensible, but his way of showing these characteristics is not in a completely rational way. At the beginning of the play, Lear foolishly splits up his kingdom between two of his daughters, Regan and Goneril, and banishes his other daughter Cordelia. Lear appears to be the only one who does not see his mistake in doing so. Even his da ughter, Goneril, notices what poor judgment (1.1.284) her father has and sees the unruly waywardness (1.1.289) which his old years have brought. Regan and Goneril conspire against their father and cause extremely angry emotions to arise in Lear. Lear recognizes the fine line between intense emotions and madness and says, we are not ourselves When nature, being oppressd, commands the mind To suffer with the body (2.4.100-102). The physical and emotional suffering caused by his daughters comes before actual madness and is, in fact, the cause of his madness. His daughter, Regan, says Nature in you stands on the very verge Of her confine (2.4.139-140) and of course sees the connection between the extreme anger Lear is feeling and the loss of reason thatShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Madness In King Lear976 Words   |  4 Pagesdepicting how madness is the result. Ruler of the land, King Lear, betrayed by those he loves, struggles to continue on his life through means of sanity. In Willia m Shakespeare’s play King Lear, madness is brought about through one’s power of authority, self-esteem, and internal conflict. Madness, as a result, is seen when one upholds the highest rank in power. In King Lear, Lear upholds the authority in the kingdom, using his power in forms of abuse, thus resulting in his madness. Lear abuses his powerRead MoreShakespeares Use of Madness as a Theme in King Lear2035 Words   |  9 Pages Edgar first assumes the disguise of Poor Tom as Lear and the Earl of Gloucester enter the cave in which Edgar is hiding. Since Edgar was banished, similar to Kent, who is also present later in this act, he must conjure up a disguise. Why does Edgar chose the repulsive beggar that Poor Tom is? Well, remember that Poor Tom represents the popular belief of the insane during the Elizabethan era. Therefore, he is the perfect disguise. No one would ever suspect Poor Tom of being Edgar, because Edgar isRead MoreCompare and Contrast Essay on King Lear and Macbeth909 Words   |  4 Pagestragedies which included King Lear and Macbeth. All of Shakespeare’s plays had a theme which was used to help the story’s plot to advance further, making events much more interesting. King Lear and Macbeth both have a common theme of madness that is apparent throughout the play which has been depicted differently. They are both written in different ways but still share a same purpose. The essay will be broken down into three parts; firstly we will look at the way madness is viewed in Macbeth. SecondlyRead MoreEssay on Madness in King Lear: Act 4848 Words   |  4 Pages Madness in King Lear: Act 4 In Shakespeares play King Lear, Shakespeare introduces many themes. The most important theme shown in King Lear is the theme of madness. During the course of this play madness is shown in the tragic hero, King Lear. King Lear develops madness right in the beginning of the play but he actually shows it in Act 4. In this act, King Lear is not only at the peak of madness but it is also shown him coming out of his madness as well. This act is likely to be the most importantRead MoreLiterary Analysis Of William Shakespeare s Macbeth And King Lear1605 Words   |  7 Pagesmany complications due to the madness it causes. Shakespeare manages to draw both mad and tragic parallels in two of his tragic plays, Macbeth and King Lear, which have both gone down as literary picassos. In both plays, themes of madness and injustice are clearly presented, along with containing parallel ideas about scheming, hypocrisy, and abuses of power. Likewise, female deception is also very apparent in both of the works plot, only adding to the idea of madness that both plays are trying toRead MoreShakespeare s King Lear Appearances1704 Words   |  7 PagesIn Shakespeare’s King Lear appearances are not always reflective of reality. While in many scenes throughout the play characters are disguised, their identities concealed behind a physical shroud, the theme of appearances versus reality runs much deeper, making the l ines between love and hate, foolishness and wisdom, and cruelty and innocence ambiguous to both the characters and the audience. As the play progresses, a veil of ignorance seems lift, elucidating the truth of each matter to the charactersRead MoreThe Theme Of Madness In Shakespeare, By William Shakespeare927 Words   |  4 PagesMadness can be defined as the state of mental delusion/ mentally ill or showing extremely foolish/eccentric behavior which begins with anger. The incorporation of madness in literature has been a long-standing tradition and can be encountered in these three works: King Lear by William Shakespeare where he tells the story about King Lear whose madness has been promoted by his two daughters, Regan and Goneril, â€Å"Daddy† by Sylvia Plath, where she reveals her anguish at her father’s death, she also disclosesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s King Lear971 Words   |  4 PagesKing Lear Exam Question In all genres there are stereotypical elements. This academic essay will outline the importance and effect of the elements of dramatic tragedy within the given passage from King Lear, and how this is significant and develops an understanding in the audience towards the play as a whole. The passage given comes from Act 1; Scene 1 of ‘King Lear’. This initial scene is what would be called the ‘initiation of tragedy’ in this context as it supplies the tragic hero; in this caseRead MoreEssay on King Lear and a Brave New World: Similar Themes and Motifs774 Words   |  4 PagesShakespeares King Lear, the reader will find that both works use similar motifs that mirror each other to increase further the similarities and significance of the works. The Brave new world tries to destroy any of human emotion, which is why Huxley has chooses Shakespeare as the basis of Johns system of beliefs involved in personal connection. Although the story lines in both of the publications are quite different from one another, there is no doubt that there are themes that allow oneRead More A Lesson Learned Too Late in King Lear Essay1184 Words   |  5 PagesA Lesson Learned Too Late in King Lear      Ã‚   In the first half of the play, King Lear struggles with the problem of authority and the consequences of giving his own authority away.   Lear’s eventual loss of sanity is a result of his ill judgement and unwillingness to part with his power as king.   Yet, the issue of authority is not the only theme that is being dealt with in the play.   King Lear is also about Lear’s search for identity and wisdom in his old age.   The play explores the concept of

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Human Powered Generators free essay sample

HUMAN POWERED GENERATORS A generator can also be driven by human muscle power, for example, in field radio station equipment. Human powered direct current generators are commercially available, and have been the project of some  DIY  enthusiasts. Typically operated by means of pedal power, a converted bicycle trainer, or a foot pump, such generators can be practically used to charge batteries, and in some cases are designed with an integral inverter. The average adult could generate about 125-200 watts on a pedal powered generator, but at a power of 200 W, a typical healthy human will reach complete exhaustion and fail to produce any more power after approximately 1. 3 hours. Portable radio receivers with a crank are made to reduce battery purchase requirements Self-powered equipment  is a term used for  electrical Today we also use the term Self powered equipment for electrical appliances  which can be powered by human muscle power as an alternative to conventional sources of electricity such as  primary batteries  and the  power grid, mechanically powered flashlights. We will write a custom essay sample on Human Powered Generators or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such devices contain  electrical generators  or an  induction  system to recharge their  batteries. Separate crank-operated  generators  are now available to recharge battery-powered portable electronic devices such as  cell phones. Others, such as  mechanically powered flashlights, have the generator integrated within the device itself. A promising alternative to rechargeable batteries for electricity storage is  super capacitors, now being used in some devices such as the mechanically powered flashlight shown here. Other devices store the energy mechanically, instead of in batteries. Clockwork radios  have a  mainspring  which is wound up by a crank, and then turns a generator to power the radio. INTRODUCTION In  electricity generation, an  electric generator  is a device that converts  mechanical energy  to  electrical energy. A generator forces  electrons  in the windings to flow through the external  electrical circuit. It is somewhat analogous to a water pump, which creates a flow of water but does not create the water inside. The  source of mechanical energy  may be a reciprocating or turbine  steam engine, water falling through a  turbine or waterwheel, an  internal combustion engine, a  wind turbine, a hand crank,  compressed air  or any other source of mechanical energy. The reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy is done by an  electric motor, and motors and generators have many similarities. In fact many motors can be mechanically driven to generate electricity, and very frequently make acceptable generators. Electric generator works on the principle of electromagnetic induction. It converts the mechanical energy available in to electric energy. When a coil is rotated in a magnetic field, then there will be induced current flowing in it. The direction of the induced current flowing in it can be found using Fleming’s Right Hand Rule.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited

Question: Discuss about the International Marketing Wesfarmers Limited. Answer: Introduction Wesfarmers Limited is one of the major diversified corporations of Australia with several international business operations. The company was established in the year of 1914 and from then, Wesfarmers has become the largest corporation in Australia ( 2017). The diversified business operations of Wesfarmers include supermarket, liquor, hotel, convenience stores, office supplies, home improvements, departmental stores, energy, fertilizers, and many others. According to the current marketing situation of the company, Wesfarmers can be described as a competitive organization. The major marketing goal of the organization is to deliver high quality of products to its customers in order to satisfy the needs of the customers. Various business processes of Wesfarmers include production, distribution, sales, marketing and various customer services. It can be seen that there are four stages of the life cycle of the various products of Wesfarmers; these stages are introduction of the product, growth of the product, maturity of the product and decline of the product ( 2017). SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers The SWOT analysis of Wesfarmers is shown below: STRENGTHS One of the major strengths of Wesfarmers is huge business experience in the Australian market. The company has been doing business in more than 18 decades. This huge experience can be used to make international ventures. Reasonable and affordable price of the various products is another key strength of Wesfarmers. This could be an effective strategy to establish international business (Cheng, Green and Ko 2014). The good reputation and brand name is another major strength of Wesfarmers. With the help of these two, the company has been able to develop a strong customer base (Murray 2013). The directors and managers of Wesfarmers have effective business skills in different areas of the business. In order to expand internationally, the skills and knowledge of the directors and managers are the major tools. WEAKNESSES Lack of technological presence can be seen in different business aspects of Wesfarmers. This can be considered as a major weakness of the company. It can be seen that there is a lack of mutual bond of Wesfarmers with the economy of Australia. When time comes, it can be a major weakness of the company. OPPORTUNITIES The good economic condition of Australia has increased the disposal income of the people of Australia. This creates business opportunities for Wesfarmers as the company can increase the revenue and profitability of the company by fulfilling the demand of the customers. Wesfarmers has the opportunity to develop the core competencies of the organization for the presence of immense competition in this industry. With the help of experienced and skillful team of management, Wesfarmers has the opportunity to expand its business worldwide. THREATS The continuous increase in the number of competitors is a major threat for Wesfarmers as it is hampering the business opportunities of the company. The negative effect of the world economic recession on the business operations of Wesfarmers is a major threat for the company (Ball 2014). To comply with different kinds of international rules and regulations at the time of international business is another major threat for the company. Table 1: SWOT Analysis of Wesfarmers (Source: as created by Author) Analysis of Customer Market, Position and Segmentation Wesfarmers takes their customers very seriously as the company ensure proper customer engagement in every level of business. It can be seen that every section of the business of Wesfarmers communicates with their customers in the best possible way. All the businesses of Wesfarmers have well developed communication mechanism in order to communicate with the customers of the organization. Wesfarmers is always quick to solve the problems of the customers (Wood 2012). Wesfarmers have taken some of the major strategies in order to position themselves in the market. With the help of strong customers loyalty and brand trust, Wesfarmers has been able to well position themselves in the market. Another important strategy in this regard is to create, leverage and respond the latest product trends in the market ( 2017). Wesfarmers has the ability to exploit every opportunity in the market. These are the major positioning strategy of Wesfarmers. Looking at the different kinds of products of Wesfarmers, it can be understood that people from all segments irrespective of their age, sex and income are the major customers of Wesfarmers. Recommended Country Based on the above analysis of different business aspects of Wesfarmers, it is recommended that Singapore will be the suitable country for Wesfarmers to launch its different kinds of products. The reasons are discussed below. Recommendations Various reasons lead to the selection of Singapore as the suitable country for the international business of Wesfarmers. Four major factors in this case are product, price, place and promotion. In case of product, the kinds of product Wesfarmers produce have a great demand in Singapore like departmental store, food products and others. In case of price strategy, the political and regulatory condition of the host country is great influencers. The political condition of Singapore is stable and it suits the international business. In addition, the regulatory framework of Singapore is suitable to the international businesses. The developing economy of Singapore has a lot of demand. Hence, Singapore is the perfect place for Wesfarmers (Zikmund et al. 2013). Almost every kind of promotional activities are available in Singapore to promote the products of Wesfarmers. Thus, based on the above discussion, it can be understood that Singapore is the most suitable place top launch the products o f Wesfarmers. Conclusion The main aim of the report was to explore the international business opportunities of the Australian company, Wesfarmers. From the above discussion, it can be seen that experience and affordable price are the major strengths of Wesfarmers. On the other hand, the presence of many competitors and the impact of world economic recession are the major threats of Wesfarmers. After that, the name of Singapore is recommended as the host international country for Wesfarmers. The main reason is that the political and regulatory condition of the country is well suitable for the businesses of Wesfarmers. References Ball, L.M., 2014.Long-term damage from the Great Recession in OECD countries(No. w20185). National Bureau of Economic Research. Cheng, M.M., Green, W.J. and Ko, J.C.W., 2014. The impact of strategic relevance and assurance of sustainability indicators on investors' decisions.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,34(1), pp.131-162. Murray, B., 2013. Culture Is the Brand: Making Your Company's Culture the Essence of Your Brand.Effective Executive,16(4), p.11. (2017).2016 Strategy Briefing Day. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. (2017).The Wesfarmers Way. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. (2017).Who we are. [online] Available at: [Accessed 17 Apr. 2017]. Wood, T., 2012. Putting the customer back in front. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. and Griffin, M., 2013.Business research methods. Cengage Learning